6 DevOps Books for IT Professionals6 DevOps Books for IT Professionals

If you’re an IT infrastructure professional, chances are good that your organization has already adopted DevOps or will do so soon. These DevOps books can help you get up to speed.

Cynthia Harvey

August 15, 2018

7 Slides
6 DevOps Books for IT Professionals

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Over the past year, enterprise implementation of DevOps has increased dramatically, and that trend looks likely to continue.

The Interop ITX 2018 State of DevOps report found that 33% of enterprises surveyed had adopted DevOps principles, compared to just 18% who said the same thing in 2017. And another 35% said that they planned to start using DevOps tools and methodologies within the next year, meaning that by 2019, a full two-thirds of the organizations surveyed could be using DevOps approaches.

However, that doesn’t mean that everyone understands what DevOps is all about.

The same survey found that less than half of those surveyed (47%) considered themselves “very familiar” with the details of DevOps concepts. A majority (53%) said that they either only understood the basics, had a general idea of what DevOps is all about or were not at all familiar with the approach.

If you’re part of that majority, one way to increase your familiarity with DevOps is to read some of the many books written on the topic. This slideshow features five of the best DevOps books available and one business book that sheds light on key related concepts. Two of these books are novels, which makes them particularly engaging, but all of them are well-written and accessible even by people who aren’t familiar with DevOps. Some have won awards, and they’ve all been best-sellers in their categories.

DevOps is a broad category, and not everyone agrees about what does and does not qualify as a DevOps approach. However, the authors of these books are recognized experts who shed valuable light on the topic. So if you’re looking for a good book to read this summer that could also be helpful for your career, you might want to start with one of these.

Image Source: Pixabay/Free-Photos

About the Author

Cynthia Harvey


Cynthia Harvey is a freelance writer and editor based in the Detroit area. She has been covering the technology industry for more than fifteen years.

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