What Haunts IT Pros?What Haunts IT Pros?
Survey shows that data security breaches and service outages top the list of IT managers' fears.
October 31, 2016
While others don scary costumes and watch horror movies for Halloween, IT pros don't have to look outside their work to get spooked. From security breaches to data center outages, they've got plenty of hair-raising things to worry about.
A survey of 511 IT decision makers by Finn Partners' Technology Practice provides some insight into what gives IT pros the chills. A data security breach was cited by the most – 31% -- as a challenge that keeps they awake at night. Twenty-six percent are worried about a major service outage, but potential cyberattacks are the overwhelming fear for those polled. Security threats – including denial-of-service attacks and rogue employees – rounded out the top six challenges survey respondents cited.
The survey also polled IT managers on obstacles that hinder their efforts (no surprise that budget constraints topped the list there), what technologies they believe will be dead in the next two years (goodbye desktops), and also what technologies they see as promising.
Check out the infographic below for more survey details.
Finn Futures IT Halloween Infographic_V6-01-2 copy.png
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