Get Ready for Web 2.0 StrategiesGet Ready for Web 2.0 Strategies
CRM Outsiders, Forrester Research
January 28, 2008
Industry researchers and analysts Forrester Research have released a report predicting that businesses will increasingly turn to Web 2.0 tools such as RSS feeds, wikis, and social networking platforms to manage internal information.Forrester expects that companies such as Google and Microsoft will acquire smaller Web 2.0 firms, while CRM solution providers like and SugarCRM will embed Web 2.0 functions into new offerings. This trend will tie into the move to deliver business services via Web platforms, or SaaS.
The use of RSS in enterprise firms will increase from 9 to 20 percent by the end of 2008, Forrester believes, and the use of social networking tools will grow along with it. As these tools become more common and migrate downward, as technology always does, SMBs with information management issues should find more solutions coming available to them within a year or so.CRM Outsiders, Forrester Research
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