More Gore!
Earlier this week, we posted the latest edition of "Last Mile," which included the Top 11 Reasons Al Gore joined the board of Apple Computer. As we promised, here are the other entries that didn't make the final cut, but...
May 14, 2003
Earlier this week, we posted the latest edition of "Last Mile," which included the Top 11 Reasons Al Gore joined the board of Apple Computer. As we promised, here are the other entries that didn't makethe final cut, but were too good not to share.
One thing though -- who the heck is this Chad guy? Wasn't he in "Charlie's Angels" or something?
Now the kids will know how to spell Potatoe -- Gary Susott
"Clearly he identifies with second-place." -- Harry Flynn
Upgrade Apple's image with a 'Wild and Crazy Guy' -- James D. Avery
Apple does not export to Chad. -- Mark Jass
Tipper wanted to get him out of the house -- Beth McHenry
No chads to worry about -- Alex Schrimsher
Now we we'll know who really invented the Macintosh -- Kamal Mehta
Apple COMPUTER? Dang! I thought this was a mass-transit outfit somewhere close to Hillary. -- Cliff Smithson
Jobs lost the coin toss -- Greg Bromwell
He has a great idea for a computer, an all-in-one model w/monitor in a bunch of crazy colors -- Bob Keys
He is used to working for a better firm while still losing out in the end. -- Benjamin Eades
Apples are found in the environment, right?! -- Gail Neuman
They never had any Granny-Smith ones at the White House when he was there. -- Mark E. Moseley
Competition is tough at that level and he felt safe spelling Apple. -- Richard Kovach
Five words: Jobs lost the coin toss! -- Greg Bromwell
Hopes to use Apple technology to make sure the correct voters are all properly registerd to vote in upcoming "re-elect Gore Lieberman in 2004" campaign, and solve the dangling chad problem. -- Herb Hamilton
Apples, chads --- they both hang don't they? -- Chuck Simonds
Oh gee; potatoe pohtahtoh who knew but me this was the highway of the future....I just guessed because a techie colledge friend said soo... i'm famoause for something....[bad, illiterate spelling on purpose] -- Benjamin Kausch
If I invented the internet, I better learn something about comuters...(Al Gore statement) -- Ernest LeDoux
Obviously, he saw the need to lessen the tension the country is under with the wars the Republicans are starting so he's going where he's needed most: creating the wonderous Apple on a stick (an amusing reality no one can dispute); which should enhance their sales tremendously; especially with his technological vision and prowess he so clearly demonstrated with his single handed creation of the Internet.He's the future, he's the past, he's one futuristic, Imperial Spock beard wearing, bad ass! (Leonard Nimoy never looked so Presidential) Once you go Gore, you'll be left only wanting more! Apple/Gore, the other white meat! -- John Castelein
He wants to help the way the industry currently harvests 'hanging chads'. -- Fred Ensminger
He's always been a fruity kind of guy. -- Fred Ensminger
Al Gore thought it was a "Rite of Passage" to be on the The Board since he probably founded the Apple Newton at the same time he invented the Internet. -- Jeffrey G. Anders
With Al Gore a proxy vote adds a new dimension -- Jerry Howard
Steve Jobs hires better looking interns than his last boss!! -- Ken Savage
"All my favorite flavors!" -- Gord Belsey
He wanted to get a free IMac! -- Fred Wood
His goofy beard won't look so out of place with all the programmer-types hanging out in Apple headquarters. -- Dennis Moore
Nobody will pay $150,000 to hear one of his speeches. -- Dennis Moore
"You know you win some, you lose some, and then there's that little-known third category." ??Al Gore, summing up the 2000 election during a speech in Florida -- Tim Hertz
He believes he will be working for 'Bill' again, but doesn't realize it is the wrong company. -- Greg Jones
Tipper wanted to get him out of the house. -- Beth McHenry
Thanks to everyone for their submissions.
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