Top 11: Blaster Worm Suspect

Peruse the extended entries for our upcoming Top 11 List: Top 11 lame excuses given by the Blaster Worm suspect.

October 10, 2003

4 Min Read
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  • "I figured chicks would dig me if I could get my face on the 11 o'clock news!" -- Duke Walls

  • I always admired the Autobots -- Frank Bulk

  • I thought Microsoft was lying -- Howard Mirkin

  • I ran out of bud, so my brain actually had a thought or two. -- Bill Krayer

  • The virus was contained in a jar and accidently spilled on my keyboard. Since I was on the internet at the time, It must of spread to other computers. -- Larry Hall

  • "I thought the girls would really dig me if they saw me on national television!" -- David Wellz

  • I plum forgot malicious coding would cause billions of dollars' worth of damage -- Jim Ruble

  • "Master Blaster runs Barter Town."(great line from the Mad Max movie series starring Mel Gibson). -- Jeff Anders

  • I had no other choice. It was the only way to continue living in mom's basement. -- Ihaab Dais

  • Became jealous of Star Wars Kid getting all the media attention. -- Ihaab Dais

  • Star Wars kid made me do it. Heck, he even came up with the name Blaster. -- Ihaab Dais

  • The alias teakid just wasn't hip anymore. Blasterkid sounded much cooler! -- Ihaab Dais

  • I got bored just drinking tea all the time. -- Ihaab Dais

  • "Microsoft Windows has some SCO code in it and I had to teach them a lesson." -- Chris Lucht

  • "Orin Hatch told me to destroy all computers downloading from Kazaa."-- Chris Lucht

  • Nothing better to do (or is that too close to the truth?) -- David Alan Smith

  • I never meant for my little pet to get released. -- wayne maurer

  • Thought it would be a cool way to meet chicks. -- wayne maurer

  • I never thought it would work, nothing else I ever wrote worked. -- wayne maurer

  • Bill cut me off on the highway. -- wayne maurer

  • I was at a frat party and someone said "Do the worm" so I did. -- wayne maurer

  • Got really tired of see those trustowrthy computing ads - Not so trusting now are you Bill? -- wayne maurer

  • Blaster schmaster - wait'll I use my disrupter worm. -- wayne maurer

  • Well, Im just trying to help microsoft by making their products more secure! -- Liz Vannoy Kowalsky

  • I had just decided not to send it when all of a sudden my dog Spam jumped up and hit the send key... -- Dan Kwitchen

  • How was I supposed to know that it's illegal to break through a firewall, cause a buffer overrun on a webserver, and redirect a credit card server to my personal website? -- Doug Jamieson

  • You remember when you asked me if my friends jumped off a cliff would I? Well over 300,00 of my internet friends did so that should be enough. -- Dale Titus

  • Needed some real-world experience to put on my Microsoft job application. -- Mike Hamm

  • "Worm, I thought it was a love bug!" -- Bob Lupinskie

  • "The hatchlings from an alien pod took over my computer." -- Bob Lupinskie

  • "I was depressed with those 'screen of death' blues." -- Bob Lupinskie

  • Just following the Windows design parameters as they are defined by Microsoft. -- Randall Huey

  • I heard Bill Gates taunting me, "I'm a billionare and you're just a poor pathetic loser...", over and over again. -- Brice Womack

  • It wasn't meant to be a virus. I simply wanted to exploit a security hole in Windows to gain access to secure data... -- Chris Rule

  • It just wriggled off my hardrive all by itself... -- Brice Womack

  • I was just doing the homework for my online Al-Qaida certificate. -- Michael McComber

  • I figured this stuff only worked on TV shows. -- Michael McComber

  • I heard that Fox was coming up with a geek reality TV show and I wanted "in". -- Michael McComber

  • The "Do It Yourself Sobig.X Virus Kit" I ordered from (McAfee/Symantec/Trend) didn't arrive in time in the mail. -- Michael McComber

  • I wanted my hottie neighbor's machine to become infected so I'd have to go over and "fix" it for her. -- Michael McComber

  • My 15 minutes of fame, and I didn't have to kill anyone. -- Michael McComber

  • Two words: Book rights -- Michael McComber

  • A daemon made me do it! -- Trystan

  • I thought that this may help my Google rating. -- Douglas Colley

  • The Bank wouldn't put a stop payment on the cheque ! -- Glenn Blair

  • Well, my science teacher got this grant from the Torvald Foundation to develop a Window's focused self-perpetuating algorithm, and I thought, "Sounds like an easy A!" -- Jeff Murdoch

  • Ever since my parents divorced, I've had a lot of anger issues. -- Tom Hockman

  • It got me a B+ in my Intro to Computing Class! -- K Grutzmacher

  • That's not what's meant by "Hello, World!"? -- Brian Webster

  • "Umm... shouldn't you guys be out there chasing all the murderers and rapists and Intellectual Property pirates?" - (then typing "del *.mp3") -- Tim Neppel

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