Top 20 Apps For Managing Social MediaTop 20 Apps For Managing Social Media

Social media from Twitter to Facebook, LinkedIn to YouTube creates opportunities for building relationships, cultivating customers and promoting business, but the sea of updates and input awash with data both important and consequential can drown all but the most dogged of users. Fortunately, app developers have created more than a few devices to make keeping afloat in the social media waters manageable, sane and even productive. Yet even the tools intended to help users navigate social media ar

Alison Diana

November 9, 2010

10 Slides
Top 20 Apps For Managing Social Media

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With TweetDeck, users can customize their Twitter experience with groups, columns, saved searches and automatic updates to help them stay updated about interesting people and topics. TweetDeck, which is free, allows users to track what others are saying about them, and give updates via tweeting, sharing photos, videos and links.

There are more than 550,000 active applications on the Facebook platform, according to social media company. The number of registered OAuth applications is now at almost 300,000, Twitter said. Add LinkedIn, YouTube, MySpace and other social media sites, and the choices become almost overwhelming. Social media professionals, marketing executives and individuals, therefore, have a plethora of options. In many cases, there are competing apps available so if one tool does not fit the bill, there could well be another app that exactly meets a user's needs.

After all, without add-on tools, it's all-too-easy to get lost in social media. Apps that help launch and manage campaigns, that simultaneously post to multiple social media sites, and eliminate marketers or unwanted followers can boost productivity and effectiveness. Other apps simplify sharing, allowing users to easily send photos, videos, links and text to specific groups or individuals.


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About the Author

Alison Diana

Senior Editor, InformationWeek

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