Wanted: Trustworthy Test Data

The best source for product performance data may be other users.

December 29, 2005

9 Min Read
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If you buy into Adam Smiths theory of Capitalism, everything works out for the best in the market -- even the storage market. The "unseen hand" ensures that "corrections" are eventually made. Over time, inferior products are replaced by products offering greater value. Even monolithic vendors, who impose their will by sheer market share, are eventually toppled by worthy up-and-coming competitors. And someone eventually gets fired for buying IBM, EMC, et al. The unseen hand moves the market inexorably forward to greater and greater efficiency.Figure 1:

In the realm of technology, especially storage technology, the rational basis for product selection distills down to product performance. Applications require certain services from infrastructure. Some applications create data that is updated frequently and accessed by many users or processes, others create data that is written once and read often by many, and still others write data that is never referenced again. In between, there are many permutations.

Added to update and access frequency are considerations like regulatory requirements for retention, deletion, privacy, and non-repudiation. Looking at storage product requirements from a business process level, you see many criteria for sorting out your technology options. But in a production IT setting, update and access requirements are key, which in turn makes product performance key to decision-making.

Where's the Performance Data?The problem that confronts many decision-makers today is the lack of performance data on storage technology. Rather, I should say, the lack of reliable or trustworthy performance data.

Folks I talk to tend to eschew performance data offered by the vendors themselves and by their paid analyst friends. They also tend to view the occasional test data offered by mainstream trade press publications as tainted, rightly or wrongly, by the dependency of the magazines on advertising revenues from the very vendors whose products they are testing. They complain that there is no independent source of test data available upon which to base their decisions.

But in fact, there are a couple of independent storage product performance testing regimes out there. One is SPEC.org, another is the Storage Performance Council (SPC). Not all vendors subject their products to these organizations, often complaining that they produce irrelevant results. You cannot validate the performance of an automobile engine in stop-and-go traffic by referencing its performance on a racetrack driving at high speed round and round to the left. SPEC and SPC numbers are similarly questionable as guides in product selection.

The other complaint of vendors that do not participate in such tests is that they are subject to "test engineering." The theory is that you can tune the performance of a platform to deliver great results in a test, but the resulting configuration is nothing that you would ever deploy in the real world.

Those that do subject their products to SPEC or SPC testing are generally fond of using the data (assuming it is positive) in all of their marketing materials both to demonstrate their own product capabilities and to lord it over the guys who don’t allow their products to be tested. Conversely, those who don’t subject their products to independent testing often rant about the many foibles of the testing regime and what a complete waste of time it is to undertake the testing at all.How About Asking Users?

The alternative to independent testers is to ask users about their experience with a product. Vendors are not terribly keen on this practice and many explicitly prohibit users from publishing the results of their own bake-offs between products.

Network Appliance, for example, prohibits users from speaking publicly about the performance of their NAS filers as a matter of software licensing. Doing so invalidates your NFS and CIFS/SMB software agreement, reducing your filer to a doorstop since you can no longer connect it to your network. EMC imposes similar restrictions on its high-end gear; publish an unsanctioned comparative test of a high-end EMC array and you invalidate your warranty.

Vendor arguments to justify these gag orders are straightforward. They usually come down to three points:

  • Users lack the acumen to conduct a proper test

  • User experience is a function of the peculiarities of their environment and may not accurately reflect product capabilities

  • The unchecked proliferation of user-generated stats runs the risk of producing results that make life difficult for salespeople, even an improperly derived performance number sticks in the minds of prospective customers who may have heard it.

    The third point is less frequently expressed publicly, but you often hear it when you chat with salespeople. Bad test reports stick in the customer’s mind even if the number of good test reports is overwhelming. It is like the old story about the woman who goes to the dinner party, receives numerous compliments on her dress, as well as one criticism. Yes, it is the criticism that she remembers. Unkind user reports, salespeople complain, carry an inordinate amount of weight that often have less to do with the credibility of the report itself than with a more fundamental mistrust of vendors in this post-Enron era. It makes their lives more difficult.That’s the private-speak. The public speak is that users generally don’t know how to test or lack the resources to test properly, or they are describing product performance within a very narrow range of conditions, namely, the workload and infrastructure and managerial processes that exist in their own environments.

    The arguments have some merit, of course. Shoddy testing produces shoddy results. However, in can also be argued that shoddy test results are better than no performance testing data at all, which is what many consumers confront today.

    It may be the case, as some "large enterprise-class" product vendors have suggested, that products aimed at the small to medium sized company are more suited to end user testing and reportage than more complex wares. These boxes are delivered as "plug-and-play" solutions. If you were to uncrate an array from vendor A, test it with your application to measure I/O rates and throughput, then repeat the process with products from vendor B, C, etc., you might obtain an apples-to-apples comparison worth consideration. The vendor who suggested this to me went on to note that most operating environments and applications in the SME are the same: Microsoft with maybe some Oracle or Linux. At the enterprise level, he suggested, it is a very different reality.

    EMC DMX, HDS TagmaStore, IBM Shark, etc. are much more complex animals. They need to be configured and tuned on install, usually at an additional expense, to realize the performance characteristics previously specified by the consumer. These are not tinker toys that can be readily compared out of the box one to another, so the vendors want to restrict the user from sharing any half-baked comparative data.

    Interestingly, in this argument are the seeds of its own undoing. After vendor X has taken money to pre-qualify the network or fabric into which the storage is being deployed, and has taken more money to configure the equipment per the RFP to deliver the performance promised to the consumer at time of purchase, why shouldn’t the consumer be permitted to run tests and to compare results to other products that have been similarly pre-qualified, deployed and tuned? Isn’t that apples-to-apples also?When asked this, vendors will often meander into a complex discussion of the types of measurements being taken, what is being measured, where the data is being collected, etc. This is all interesting, but it is off the point.

    In the final analysis, the useful thing about user testing is that it is a measurement not only of the platform's performance, but of the vendor's skills and knowledge in pre-qualifying the install and performing the actual configuration of the gear. At the enterprise level, if the performance of the gear is sub-par, then somebody is selling snake oil and the whole world ought to know about it.

    The bottom line is that vendor restrictions on the publication of "unsanctioned" user performance tests are indefensible on any rational basis. Interestingly, such restrictions seem to be imposed only by top-tier name brand vendors on their consumer base: Startups tend to favor a much more open and unfettered exchange of test information. This, in turn, reinforces consumer mistrust of brand name vendors.

    Unseen Hand With Unseen Performance Data

    There are, of course, a few caveats in the argument above. For one, users have not always done a great job of developing functional specifications and may hold the vendor accountable for poor performance even when it is related to poorly documented requirements. Vendors are rightly dismayed to get a poor report from users who are using tests to express their disappointment about a product that failed to support unstated or poorly defined needs.Furthermore, vendors are correct to be concerned about proxy data: Other vendors masquerading as consumers and flooding information outlets with phony test results. This is done even in the presence of license and warranty restrictions and is usually monitored and reported by the offended party.

    However, restricting the flow of user-performed test information is a kind of censorship that should not be tolerated by the consumer. It can be prevented relatively easily, by having the provision stricken from the sales contract at the time of purchase. Most sales droids will delete the provision if it is a potential deal breaker and many vendor accounting offices will turn a blind eye to the contract modification because of the priority placed on quarterly earnings in an unforgiving market.

    Truth be told, without consumer reportage on the performance of gear, there is no way to police the storage industry. Vendors should facilitate testing, to make sure that it is done properly; they should not attempt to censor it.

    One way or another, Smith’s unseen hand will work its way. Either products will ascend to the top of the market on the basis of their own technical merit, or consumers will move away from vendors who use draconian means to ensure that test data is not published.

    The second path is a messy one: Until some sort of objective testing produces measurable differentiators between products (or confirms products to be of equal capability), every time a vendor claims that its product is better than its competitors on a price/performance basis, some troublemaker (like yours truly) will hold their feet to the fire to substantiate the claim. "Never trust nobody" will remain the axiom of the Wild West World of Storage.— Jon William Toigo, Contributing Editor, Byte and Switch

    Ever done any of your own internal product testing or benchmarking, and shared it? Write Toigo and let him know the net effect.

    Organizations mentioned in this article:

    • EMC Corp. (NYSE: EMC)

    • Hitachi Data Systems (HDS)

    • Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq: MSFT)

    • Network Appliance Inc. (Nasdaq: NTAP)

    • Standard Performance Evaluation Corp. (SPEC)

    • Storage Performance Council

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