Web Services Project: Welcome!Web Services Project: Welcome!
Hello everyone. If you're interested in Web apps, I invite you to take a look at our newly launched weblog, Project Web Services. Edited by Lori MacVittie, our newest weblog will let you work hand-in-hand with her as she sets...
January 6, 2003
Hello everyone. If you're interested in Web apps, I invite you to take a look at our newly launched weblog, Project Web Services. Edited by Lori MacVittie, our newest weblog will let you work hand-in-hand with her as she sets up and tests Web Services solutions for our upcoming print issue. Here's a quote from Lori:
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, readers of Network Computing, is to join us in conducting this review by commenting on test criteria, plans, methodology and product selection. Make suggestions! Make comments. Be bold. This review is for you, so let us know what's important to you and what you think.
Today Lori has posted her test criteria, weightings and a brief description of the test environment. So take a look and share your experiences and thoughts. You can also post questions for Lori on our Shop Talk forum. Enjoy!
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