Strategic Security: Web Applications Scanners

As applications evolve, new vulnerabilities emerge. For this Rolling Review series we'll examine how Web application scanners help address the security weaknesses found in RIAs in general, and Ajax in

May 10, 2007

13 Min Read
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Web 2.0 encompasses lots of big ideas, but we've found it's the concept of RIAs that keeps many information security pros awake at night. Splitting intelligence between server and client, as is done with Rich Internet Applications, is a fundamental shift ... and a risky one given the sad state of browser security. Moreover, while it affects only a subset of RIAs, the Ajax development model has both momentum and traits that make eliminating vulnerabilities a real challenge.

Web application scanners can help, but implementation is tricky. For this Rolling Review, we decided that instead of simply focusing on boxed Web application scanners, we'd consider the entire decision-making process. What we found are at least four distinct paths to RIA and Ajax security. (For more on what we plan to test, see our Web Application Scanners Rolling Review scenario box.)

Targeting The RichSo why are RIAs so insecure? Put very simply, in a conventional Web application, the intelligence is in the Web server. Browsers basically act as dumb remote displays. Yes, ActiveX, Java applets and other techniques did (and still do) provide for more "intelligent" data transfer. But RIAs take this to a new level, with browsers hosting interactive applications that directly query servers for data.

Impact AssessmentClick to enlarge in another window

Today, Ajax applications share the RIA stage with Adobe's Flash and Apollo, Sun's Java, Microsoft's Windows Presentation Foundation, and ActiveX. But Ajax clearly has the most momentum.

Ajax, which stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, has become a key Web 2.0 buzzword--so much so that its use has grown beyond just applications that actually use asynchronous JavaScript and XML! Most applications labeled "Ajax" do indeed use asynchronous JavaScript--the initial page loads from the server with JavaScript that makes asynchronous requests back to the server as needed, loading only the data and parts of the Web page that must be adjusted for whatever action is being taken.

Typically, data is transferred between the server and client in Ajax applications using XMLHttpRequest API calls transferring XML. However, because of the extra complexity and slight overhead of processing XML messages, many applications use the same XMLHttpRequest calls with alternatives like JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). JSON uses JavaScript objects as the data transport instead of XML. In this way, the client half of the application can execute the data returned from the server to have access to the results of its action directly without the parsing required for XML.Similarly, some applications return raw HTML results, which JavaScript can add to the DOM (Document Object Model), the browser's programming model for JavaScript to interact with HTML and XML, modifying the page asynchronously without XML or JSON.

Still, the name stuck, and even applications that use JSON or HTML instead of XML as a data transport mechanism are often lumped together as "Ajax." If there were a more accurate descriptor, we'd be glad to swap out the misnomer, but for now we're stuck with it.

This article is the first of a series and is part of NWC's Rolling Review of Web Applications Scanners. Click on that link to go to the Rolling Reviews home page to read all the features and reviews now.

Note that other RIAs may well catch up--Flash and Java in particular seem to have large, and growing, followings. Problem is, neither of these is commonly assessed by Web application scanners. With Java, we recommend supplementing an external scanner, like those we'll be evaluating in the course of this Rolling Review, with a source-code scanner, such as those we reviewed recently (see "Code Scanners Run the Gauntlet").

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Count The WaysHaving Web browsers directly query servers impacts application security in a variety of ways.

There are obvious pitfalls, such as implementing security only in the client. Then there's the broader issue that Ajax applications are almost always written in at least two languages--JavaScript for the client, as well as whatever language is running on the Web server. As always, complexity is inversely proportional to security.

Finally, entirely new classes of vulnerabilities are only now being discovered, and this trend will likely continue as more scrutiny is brought to bear on the difficult problem of running applications in such a disadvantageous--securitywise, anyway--configuration (see "Reports of InfoSec Demise Greatly Exaggerated").

Tough Row To Hoe

There's been some healthy debate recently about the value of penetration testing, but the fact remains that scanning applications and networks for vulnerabilities is a productive way for an organization to decrease risk.Conventional vulnerability scanners have been around for some time, and even Web application scanners now comprise an established market. What's new, however, is how Web application scanners handle Ajax applications.

Web application scanners have a lot of extra work to do when auditing Web 2.0 applications. First, before checking an application for vulnerabilities, the scanner must exercise all its functions and map or spider every nook and cranny. That's relatively easy to do with conventional applications--Web spiders have been around for some time, and though it's always possible that a spider could take some unintended action, most Web application scanners should be able to restrict particular URLs or subdirectories.

For Ajax applications, however, it's a whole different ballgame. To accurately understand the application and exercise all its functionality, scanners must analyze the JavaScript to know what it's capable of, as well as how it formats and sends data. The scanner must also know how to parse server responses.

Moreover, when scanning Ajax applications, not only must Web application scanners handle the complexity of modeling and analyzing Ajax-specific vulnerabilities, they also must deal with conventional Web application vulnerabilities. Think these older, better-understood vulnerabilities are uncommon?

Nope. Seven in 10 Web sites contain flaws that leave them open to attack, according to a study released in February. As part of a promotion, Acunetix, a Web site security company, provided free scans to 3,200 sites over the course of a year. It found 210,000 vulnerabilities. Although the population sample for this study was self-selecting, participants presumably cared enough about the security of their sites to sign up for a free scan. We expect that the actual percentage of vulnerable sites is at least as high, if not higher. Read more about this study.To top it off, in the midst of all these Web application vulnerabilities, the browser is increasingly the battleground where problems are found. Many successful attacks against Web servers succeed not because the server was unpatched, or even because the application was insecurely written, but because the developer was unaware of browser quirks.

If you're ever in doubt about the seriousness or prevalence of browser bugs, spend an afternoon or two perusing and, a Web forum and a blog, respectively, where you'll find enough vulnerabilities and exploits discussed and demonstrated that you'll consider permanently disabling JavaScript, Flash, Java, even images, before feeling safe surfing the Web again.

Pick Your Path

OK, so RIAs need locking down. Unfortunately, this isn't as simple as buying an application scanner and turning it loose on your network. Enterprises must choose between multiple options: dedicating an in-house security professional to Web application scanning, manually or with one of the commercial tools we'll be evaluating; purchasing a tool, but placing it in the hands of developers or QA (quality assurance) testers, rather than security staff; or taking advantage of external vendors, going the SaaS (software as a service) route, or with custom external consulting.

Throughout the course of this Rolling Review, we'll evaluate not only the applications and how they perform from the perspectives of a dedicated security tester and a QA tester or developer, but we'll also examine the SaaS options that presumably take all the hard work out of your hands--without the high costs of custom consulting engagements.No matter which road you take, a few best practices--many of which apply to both Web applications and other types of application development--are crucial. These include:

» developer education;

» security reviews during design and development;

» a security review of the implementation;

» processes for resolving, in a timely manner, security flaws that escape detection;

Code CleanupClick to enlarge in another window

» proper reuse of standard code modules, which can be more rigorously maintained.

Web application scanners are only one piece of developing secure software. Many of the enterprise versions of the tools we'll evaluate over the course of this review offer integration into workflow tracking systems, developer education programs and other resources. If you're building a ground-up SDLC (software development lifecycle) with a big budget and strong need for security, be sure to consider these options as well (see "Cleaning Up Your Code" at right).

Some organizations will have compliance as a motivation for purchasing a Web application scanner. The PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industries Data Security Standard) specifically requires scans of applications handling credit-card data by a qualified security professional. Although the current version is vague as to whether this needs to be an outside security pro or if the scan can be done in-house, future versions are expected to indicate more clearly that internal auditors, if they have the appropriate skills, will suffice.

No matter your organization's motivation, follow our Rolling Review to see which options best suit your needs.Head Of The Class

One new AJAX vulnerability received a lot of press on April 2, when Fortify Software released an advisory titled, "JavaScript Hijacking." The article is primarily a generalization of a specific vulnerability discovered in January 2006 by Jeremiah Grossman of WhiteHat Security. However, it also covers a large number of Ajax development frameworks that are vulnerable to the attack, and describes what is probably the first general class of vulnerability unique to Ajax applications.

For more details on the advisory, see our blog entry, "Web 2.0 Inherently Insecure?".Reports Of Infosec Demise Greatly Exaggerated

At A Security Conference Two Years Ago, A Programmer Who Worked On One of the first commercial IDSs told us that the security industry was dead, or at the very least dying. Developers were getting serious about writing bulletproof code. Security would be built into all our network protocols from the ground up, and sooner or later, a whole lot of security companies were going to go out of business.

With no end in sight for even "traditional" software vulnerabilities--Microsoft's recent ANI repeat being a perfect example--that prognostication seems even less likely now than it did then. A whole new class of vulnerabilities are being discovered regularly, and application security is getting harder, not easier.Fortunately, there are many good online references for those looking to integrate security into their SDLCs (software development lifecycles).

A discussion of Microsoft's SDLC, for example, is available at "The Trustworthy Computing Security Development Lifecycle" white paper, for more information.

Other useful references include those from the DHS National Cyber Security Division, the authors of "The Art of Software Security Testing", and the SANS Software Security Institute, which recently unveiled a new program to help assess a developer's secure coding knowledge.

And that developer who left the security industry for dead? He stumbled across some intriguing algorithms being used in the academic community and has since started a security company that uses those algorithms to add more intelligence to security products.


>THE INVITATION:Although there's no shortage of security consultants who'll audit an application by hand or using other companies' tools, we limited the scope of this Rolling Review--in part so we wouldn't still be rolling along years from now--to Web application scanning products and software-as-a-service models. As such, a few vendors may be included twice: Once for their standalone products, then again as their service offering does the heavy lifting.

>THE PREMISE: NWC's Rolling Reviews present a comprehensive look at a hot technology category, beginning with market analysis and wrapping up with a synopsis of our findings. Our extended testing span lets us accommodate today's accelerated revisions cycle and focus our attention on individual products, while maintaining a consistent test bed. This installment focuses on Web application scanners. You'll find our impressions of SPI Dynamics' WebInspect in our May 28 issue, and Cenzic's AR in the June 11 issue.

>THE VENDORS: We plan to test products from Acunetix, Cenzic, N-Stalker, SPI Dynamics, Syhunt Technology, Watchfire and WhiteHat Security.>THE TEST BED:We chose three applications from volunteer organizations to test our Web app scanners. All are relatively simple Web apps in use for real-world functions, and were built using a variety of development tools and platforms. Our first application was written in C# using Microsoft's with Ajax (also known as ATLAS) and deployed on IIS 6.0. The second was developed using the LAMP stack (the combination of Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP), and the third was written in Java and deployed with JBoss and Tomcat on Linux. None of the applications has received a security audit, either at the source-code level or using external scanners. Throughout the process, all scanning applications will be leveled at the same applications--any changes to fix security vulnerabilities found in production systems will be left off test instances that are used for future scanning, to ensure that each product and service has the same potential vulnerabilities to find. Note that no vulnerabilities were intentionally added or seeded into an application. The applications will be scanned exactly as they existed in the wild at the start of the review. Each Web application scanning product will be evaluated for advanced features and flexibility for specialized security testing; ease of use for nonsecurity personnel; ability to map and scan Ajax functionality; prevalence of false positives, as well as ease in manual adjustments or product updates to address them; prevalence of false negatives; and price. Each SAAS offering will be evaluated on the same criteria, except for the first two items. At the end of our tests we'll show you how well each product and methodology did in identifying vulnerabilities in our sample apps.

Jordan Wiens is an NWC contributing technology editor and a network security engineer at the University of Florida, where he works on IDS/IPS, forensics, vulnerability assessment and system security. Write to him at [email protected].

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