IT Job Opportunities Still AboundIT Job Opportunities Still Abound
Recent economic news has been mixed at best, thanks in large part to soaring oil prices. But the employment picture remains bright. The IT professional, in particular, continues to be a hot commodity as businesses keep looking to technology as a means to drive new revenue opportunities and cut expenses.'s September local job index showed classif
October 20, 2005
Recent economic news has been mixed at best, thanks in large part to soaring oil prices. But the employment picture remains bright. The IT professional, in particular, continues to be a hot commodity as businesses keep looking to technology as a means to drive new revenue opportunities and cut expenses.'s September local job index showed classified ads for IT professionals were up for 22 of its top 28 metropolitan markets.So where is the biggest job action? Security? System Integration? Nope. Suprise, none other database administration is the IT profession of the moment. The reasons are pretty apparent; dramatic growth in the volume of data and corporate dependence on that information. Companies can't afford to not have skilled professionals tending their databases.
Of course, being sought after doesn't mean DBAs have a stress-free existence. Data is the lifeblood of companies. And because of that, database administrators are expected to be able to apply more than just technical understanding, they need to be able to logically work through problems based on their own experience and the experiences of others.
So, if you like a challenge, there is a wealth of opportunity out there for you.
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